Maryborough History & Heritage
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Our eBook is available for the Kindle and a range of eReader and devices as an EPUB. Select the relevant links to buy.
Our Kindle eBook version is available at Amazon (Australia); Amazon (UK); Amazon (US); Amazon (Canada) and other worldwide Amazon sites.
Our EPUB version is available at Apple; Barnes & Noble; Kobo; Odilo; Scribd; Gardners Extended Retail and the Smashwords Store.
Printed books
Printed Book 1 – A Glimpse of Maryborough History & Heritage
The printed version of A Glimpse of Maryborough History & Heritage is available from Blurb. To purchase a copy, just click on the image below.
Printed Book 2: Maryborough Heritage Notebook
Our Maryborough Heritage Notebook is only available as a printed book from Blurb. However, it can be purchased as a softcover or hardcover. To purchase a copy, just click on the image below, then click on the shopping trolley where you can choose hardcover or softcover.
Printed Book 3: Maryborough Heritage – through a lens
Our Maryborough Heritage – through a lens is only available as a softcover printed book from Blurb. To purchase a copy, just click on the image below.
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