Our History & Heritage Books
Our planned series of History & Heritage books are the result of our newfound passion for learning about our home state of Queensland, Australia. These books target Queensland coastal towns with good heritage-listed buildings. Our completed books include Gympie, Maryborough and Townsville. Our next book will focus on Rockhampton.
Our History & Heritage books are available as eBooks, PDFs or printed books (from Blurb).
Links to our History & Heritage books
Key information is provided below for each of our history and heritage books. First, a link to an overview for each book is provided. Secondly, links are provided to various websites where the books can be purchased. The overview of each book repeats these purchase links.
Follow this link for an overview of our book: A Glimpse of Gympie History and Heritage.
The eBook can be purchased at:
Amazon (Kindle US), Amazon (Kindle UK), Amazon (Kindle AU), and Amazon (Kindle CA)
Smashwords Apple Books Kobo Barnes and Noble Gardners Extended Retail Odilo Scribd
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