Travel eBook Structure: Culture Focus


Our new travel eBook structure is discussed in this post. Since 2011 we have self-published seven travel eBooks which have all used the same eBook structure. Now, we feel it is a time for a change. In this post I’ll discuss the existing and revised eBook structure.

The primary rationale for self-publishing travel eBooks has been my passion for the entire process: researching, preparation/planning, site visiting, writing, editing, reviewing, formatting, publishing, and marketing.

Quite simply, I enjoy the caper. Fortunately, we are retired and don’t need the income. It is all for pleasure. I must add that the eBooks really help me understand the places we visit, and provide a longer-term reference and a jog for our memories.

Our current travel eBook structure

Current approach

Each travel eBook tells the tale of a holiday we have taken, usually to a major European city. The emphasis is to describe the major activities undertaken each day and reflect on these activities. Furthermore, we provide a short essay on a couple of relevant themes (e.g. architecture, 20th century history). Photographs (20-30), which I have taken, are a key feature throughout each eBook.

This approach was adopted this approach after I attended a travel writer’s workshop in Sydney. The participants felt this approach is what readers would expect. We still believe this information is important but should not be the focus.

Our current eBook structure, it is fair to say is standard (some might say ordinary) approach, but it has served us well as I have learned the process of self-publishing.

Our current travel eBook structure is:

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Copyright
  4. Table of contents
  5. Introduction
    1. Overall impressions
    2. Our eBook
    3. Planning
  6. Our visit
    1. Arrival
    2. Day 1 – Day 4 (etc)
    3. Departure
  7. Conclusion
    1. Highlights
    2. Disappointments
    3. Lessons learnt
    4. Doing it again
  8. Appendices
    1. Theme 1 (e.g. Architecture)
    2. Theme 2 (20th Century History)
    3. References
    4. Our other eBooks
    5. About us


Six Days in Prague

Summary of Six Days in PragueTravel eBooks - Six Days in Prague

Our eBook: Six Days in Prague can be found at:

Amazon (Kindle US), Amazon (Kindle UK), Amazon (Kindle AU), and Amazon (Kindle CA); Smashwords (EPUB), Smashwords also distributes to Oyster, Scribd, Yuzu, Blio and Inktera (formerly Page Foundry) and reaches OverDrive (world’s largest library ebook platform serving 20,000+ libraries), Baker & Taylor Axis 360, Gardners (Askews & Holts and Browns Books for Students), and Odilo (2,100 public libraries in North America, South America and Europe); KoboApple iTunes Barnes and Noble 

A printed version of this book is available at Blurb.


Our next travel eBook structure

Our new approach

So, why change our approach? It is difficult to identify one prime reason for changing the focus; rather, it stems more from a combination of emerging factors.

First, I want our books to focus on the reasons we choose to visit a city. For example, Prague because of the beautiful historic buildings and fascinating recent history; Skye because of its beautiful scenery and crofting history; and Barcelona because of its vibrancy and Gaudi architecture. These reasons must be front and centre.

Secondly, we are becoming very interested in the culture of the places we visit. Disappointingly we visit cities and don’t gain a memorable appreciation of its culture and that of its people. We want to change this. In our next eBook (about Athens) we want to frame our visit through various lenses (e.g. food, markets, architecture, street art etc) which capture the culture of Athens. Our eBooks need to focus on these themes.

This is a significant challenge for us.

Thirdly, I want my photographs to be different. I come away from our visits with the standard images. That is, the photographs to be found on the internet and in every tourist guide. Taking these photographs are important but, in the future, I want my photographs to focus on our selected themes.

Once again, this is a challenge.

We are quietly confident that this new approach will enrich, and add value to, our eBooks: enhancing our understanding and memories of our visit, and to assist our readers in planning their visits.

New travel eBook structure

Our proposed travel eBook structure is:

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Copyright
  4. Table of contents
  5. Introduction
    1. Overall impressions
    2. Our eBook
    3. Planning
  6. Our visit – themes
    1. Cultural themes
    2. Food
    3. Markets
    4. Meeting places
    5. Architecture
    6. Street art
    7. Renowned features
  7. Conclusion
    1. Highlights
    2. Disappointments
    3. Lessons learnt
    4. Doing it again
  8. Appendices
    1. Our visit – schedule
      1. Arrival
      2. Day 1 – Day 4 (etc)
      3. Departure
    2. Pre-planning
    3. References
    4. Our other eBooks
    5. About us

Comment on new structure

At first glance the changes may not appear substantial, but this is not the case. It moves beyond a simple switch of visit schedule and themes between the main content and appendices.

The themes now drive the whole visit and consequently the thrust of the eBook. The number of themes has been expanded to provide a focus on culture. Each theme will act as a lens to view the culture of the city and its people from a different perspective.

Although the sections related to the Introduction and Conclusion

Our next travel eBook

Our next overseas visit is to Athens in 2018. The pre-planning for this visit is further advanced than any previous overseas holiday. OS Wayfarer has a series of eight posts (so far) which ask the question: “Should we visit Athens?” in preparation for this shift in focus. There will be a few more posts before the series is complete.

This series of posts will be added to our Athens eBook thereby offering immediate additional value.

The level of extra research that is already apparent (as shown by the posts) to make this shift in focus, points to the task ahead. But I feel the increased research will add to enjoyment of our trip and the quality of our associated eBook.

Read more about preparing our eBook Content for our eBook: Six Days in Athens. 

This is a link to all of our Ideas and Initiatives posts.

This is a link to all our eBook self-publishing posts.


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